Heart like dust, smile peacefully

Chapter 2 In the depths of time, be a plain woman

Chapter 2 In the depths of time, be a plain woman (1)
In this strange world,

No one can live a smooth life.

But I always believe that through the misty rain of Pinghu Lake, the mountains and rivers of the years,

Those who have gone through many calamities and tasted all flavors,
It will be more vivid and clean.

Time is always a bystander, all processes and results,
All need to be borne by ourselves.

—— Zhang Ailing
1. The heart is as simple as the heart, and the person is as light as a chrysanthemum

In life, there are many fleeting moments, like the farewell at the station, just hugging each other, and in a blink of an eye, they are all gone.Many times, you don’t understand, and I don’t understand, just like that, you change when you talk, you get tired when you listen to it, you get tired of watching it, you slow down when you follow, and you get tired when you walk. Break up, love and love will fade away, just think about it.

The most flavorful woman in the world is a woman as light as a chrysanthemum, just like Yang Lan said: "The beauty of a woman is not in her face, but in her wisdom and calm accumulated over the years." Such a woman, without heavy makeup, will not Fight for fame and fortune, don't call the wind and rain, and always maintain a normal heart.

On the tortuous road of life, when encountering difficulties and setbacks, a wise person will choose to let nature take its course, maintain a calm mind, and then wait and see the changes and make the best use of the situation.Going with the flow is knowing the rules and respecting the rules, because sometimes the rules cannot be violated.

All the sorrows and joys, grievances, fame and wealth in the world are just a short moment; success and frustration are just a very weak track in the vast sea of ​​people, so there is no need to worry about it, just keep a peaceful and peaceful heart. heart, there will be no more pain, and hope will be born from it.

From birth to 28 years old, her life is full of flowers all the way.At home, she is the apple of the eye of her parents; at school, she is the best student; at work, she is the best employee in the eyes of the boss; in love, she is the most lovable girlfriend in the eyes of boyfriends; Here, she is her husband's favorite woman.

She also knew that her life was perfect and impeccable.She is grateful, content, and looks forward to going on like this in her future life.However, life is impermanent. At the age of 28, she lost a leg in a car accident.In the eyes of many, her happiness was over.She was heartbroken after losing a leg, but then she faced a series of bigger blows.First, she was dismissed by the unit and only received a small severance pay; next, her husband filed for divorce on the grounds that he did not have the confidence to take care of her for the rest of his life, and hoped that she would forgive him for his selfishness. Although it was very sad, she didn't want to involve him, and it would only make both of them suffer, so she agreed to his request.Lu Xun once said such a sentence: "Is there anyone from a well-to-do family who fell into poverty? I think that on this journey, you can probably see the true colors of the world." She should have a say in this, and her experience It's not just falling from a well-to-do life into poverty, it's like falling from an unattainable mountain top to an unfathomable valley.Therefore, she was heartbroken and even lost confidence in her future life for a time.But at this time, the mother gave her a lot of strength, comforted her, and persuaded her. The mother said: "My child, let's not want those prosperous days. Eating bran and swallowing vegetables is life."

After learning from the pain, she seemed to understand a lot at once.In the past days, whether it was beautiful or excellent, it seemed that it all came from the blessing of God, because in her memory, she never worked hard to get anything, and all luck seemed to be within easy reach.But now, such a day requires her to work hard and her heart, but it seems that this is the life that really belongs to her.

In this way, she accepted all the hardships of life and decided to start over.She contracted a small bookstore and also set up a special reading area for children.With the help of her mother, her small bookstore gradually improved.

Some online media knew what happened to her, and wanted to use her as a role model for the physically disabled and strong to conduct interviews and reports.But she refused the media's request. The reporter told her that if her story was reported, the popularity of her small shop would rise rapidly, and many well-meaning people might lend a helping hand to her.But she declined the reporter's kindness. She said: "For me now, what I lack is not money, but a serious and indifferent attitude towards life. In the past, when I had a lot, I didn't know That's important, and now I'm trying to find it."

Although she has not been interviewed by the media, her small store business is still very good.The most frequent visitors are mothers with children.Some mothers want their children to see what it means to be strong, and some mothers want their children to appreciate what it means to be hard.They often educate their children in front of her. She is not disgusted, but just listens with a smile.

Sometimes, her mother felt very uncomfortable seeing these scenes, so she wanted to prevent these people from using her as an object to educate their children.But she said to her mother: "It doesn't matter. Everyone understands life differently. I can't force everyone to understand me." Gradually, her indifference also affected her mother.

Some people who patronize the small shop want to ask her for a business card, so as to introduce her small shop to other friends around her.She made a business card by herself, and on the back of each business card, she wrote a line of delicate characters in her own handwriting: the heart is as simple as the most relaxed, and the person as light as a chrysanthemum is the most beautiful.

The real heart is simple, calm and indifferent should be this kind of indifference in the face of complexity, and this kind of calmness after experiencing all kinds of pain and suffering.This kind of state is difficult to cultivate, it is not as simple as living in a small room, holding a pot of tea, reading a book, and playing the harp, but it is possible to achieve epiphany after a kind of disillusionment.However, in real life, once a lot of women encounter a little setback or failure, they start to complain about the bad luck and tricks of fate. Who is willing to listen to the true meaning of fate?

Having said that, today's women are indeed very tired.They have to work hard in the workplace, take care of the family, and worry about their children, so it is inevitable that they will be a little upset.In this state, it is really difficult to keep a smile and a normal mind forever.However, these are problems that must be faced, and no one can escape them. Since they cannot escape, then it is better to accept it.As the saying goes, once you come, you will be safe, whether it is success or failure, whether you are proud or frustrated.This is the secret to making the mind stable.

Many things in the world have their own laws of development and endings, and sometimes they cannot be changed by human beings.Therefore, no matter whether we face gain or loss, we must be indifferent. Don't be overjoyed when you succeed, and don't feel sorry for yourself when you fail. Keep a normal heart at all times, so that life can be plain and real even if it is not magnificent.

There is a good saying, the real taste is just mild, and the perfect person is just ordinary.Life cannot always be full of laughter, nor can it always be successful.To live a relaxed and unrestrained life, the key is to have a normal and natural heart. This is a state of life, a kind of wisdom, and even more a kind of persistence.Before climbing a mountain, we always think that the mountain is very high, so we have to overestimate the hardships and imagine all kinds of impossibilities, and only after climbing to the top will we realize that "the mountain is high and man is a peak".

My mind is calm, so what if the wind is up and down, I will stand still, thunder is sound, wind is emotion, electricity is spirit, rain is essence, so what if the world changes, I can be calm and detached, spring is here, the spring breeze is happy, summer is here, brilliant Summer flowers, autumn wind blowing, curling autumn moon, winter snow flying, winter warm sun.Let the heart find a home, nothing is complicated.Peace of mind is home.

2. People are not afraid of death, they are afraid of not knowing how to live

Everyone is busy, busy living or busy dying, there are only two choices.

Liu An said in "Huainanzi Shuoshan Xun": "Orchids grow in deep valleys, not for obedience but not fragrance; boats in the river and sea, not for not riding but not floating."It means that if orchids grow in deep valleys, they will not stop blooming because no one appreciates them. When a boat sails on the river and sea, it will not stop floating because there are no passengers.These two sentences can be shared with women all over the world, that is to say, as a woman, even if there is no one who appreciates you, you should treat yourself well, like a flower, and give yourself a reason to bloom.

Perhaps women will agree with this point of view, but there are also many people who find it difficult to do this. In their view, they do not have outstanding appearance, and they will be annihilated when they walk into the crowd; Ordinary or even poor; no impressive job, an ordinary white-collar worker, or even a migrant girl from the countryside; I have not found a wealthy husband, and it is only a fantasy to use marriage to change my destiny... All these show that I am She's just an ordinary woman who doesn't have the capital to bloom proudly, and sometimes even has a little inferiority complex in her heart.

However, these are not reasons for your low self-esteem. Just look at how many successful women have ordinary faces, how many come from ordinary or even poor families, and how many started as working girls of?They can succeed, why can't you?Therefore, women who can achieve success are not necessarily women with good looks and good family background. Women with ordinary looks and ordinary backgrounds also have opportunities.

Moreover, taking a step back, even if you are unknown, it does not affect your enjoyment of a beautiful life.Just like the orchids blooming in the valley, even if no one appreciates them, they will not stop emitting fragrance.Moreover, for any woman, sometimes, as long as you can quietly wait for the ordinary and unknown at the moment, it is equivalent to giving yourself the opportunity and capital to succeed.

She was born in a rural family, her parents are simple farmers.After graduating from high school, she was only admitted to a vocational college in the province.During college, she was just a very inconspicuous one among her classmates, with ordinary looks, ordinary family background, and average academic performance.After graduating from university, she only found a job as an office clerk because of her low education and no other specialties.

After working for half a year, she participated in a college reunion.Many students found good jobs, and some even started their own businesses and became bosses. Seeing that all the students were more promising than herself, she was a little disappointed.A classmate who has a good relationship with her encouraged her to start a small business by herself, and told her that the small jewelry business in the south is very good, and she can try it, and she was a little tempted.In this way, she quit her job and came to a city in the south, where she started a small jewelry business.

As my classmates said, at that time, the small jewelry market in the south was very hot, and many female college students joined the ranks. She decided to dig out her first pot of gold here.However, things backfired, because she had no experience in doing business, and the market competition was extremely fierce, and more importantly, she couldn't find a cheaper purchase channel at the beginning.So, after working for a few months, not only did I not make any money, but I also lost all the money I had accumulated from working for half a year.

She was very depressed and confused for a while, and she didn't even know what to do next.At this time, Mei Guo, who shared the rent with her, gave her some advice.Like her, Mei Guo is also a college student who has just graduated for one year, and is currently working in the public relations department of a joint venture company.Although she is only a public relations assistant, Mei Guo has a very ambitious goal. She will be promoted to a supervisor within one year and a manager within two years.For this goal, Mei Guo not only works very hard at ordinary times, but also has been unremittingly using his spare time to study courses related to public relations.

Since she came to this city, she has shared the rent with Mei Guo, and they have a good relationship.Mei Guo told her that she is not suitable for doing business, but that she should re-enter the workplace, and that she should find the direction she is interested in, and enter into relevant in-depth study, so that she can make achievements.After listening to Mei Guo's words, she also began to reflect. Looking back on her previous experiences, she felt that what Mei Guo said made sense. The reason why she chose to start a small business was not because she liked it, but because she saw those who made money. The classmates who had money were a little jealous, and they wanted to be rich themselves, so they chose a way that they thought was faster.Facts have proved that I really have no talent for doing business.So, she began to re-plan her life path.

Since childhood, she has been extroverted, cheerful, and likes to deal with people. She feels that she is more suitable for work in human resources.So, she began to re-enter the workplace as an office clerk in a small company.On the one hand, I have accumulated relevant experience at work, and on the other hand, like Mei Guo, I started to use my spare time to study human resources related courses.After two years of hard work and serious study, she not only accumulated work experience, but also obtained relevant qualification certificates in human resources.So, she quickly found a job as a human resources specialist in a relatively large company.After several years of hard work, she has become the human resources manager of a foreign company.

Her story tells us: most women are ordinary, even unknown, you may encounter many difficulties at this time, but no matter what time it comes, you must believe in yourself.In your growth process, as long as you don't give up on yourself, your life will definitely have the opportunity to become wonderful.

Everyone is familiar with Jin Yong's "The Legend of Condor Heroes". Men may have a soft spot for Little Dragon Girl, but women don't seem to like her very much, thinking that she is too lonely and out of gregarious.However, we have to admire her. A woman as beautiful as a fairy can endure the boring and cold life in the ancient tomb. Even if she has the opportunity to enter the prosperous world, she is still not moved by it. Admiration, the reason why women envy, envy and hate.

To be a woman, of course, one must improve one's attractiveness and charisma, be able to stand in the crowd without fear or fear, but more importantly, one must have the courage to live in ancient tombs.Bury yourself for a few years and endure the cold eyes and ridicule of the worldly people, maybe you will get more because of it, and a more exciting life may be waiting for you ahead.

3. Never think about things you can't control

People have two roads to go, one is must go, the other is want to go.You have to walk the road you have to walk beautifully before you can walk the road you want to walk.

Nowadays, the Internet is more and more developed, which has brought unprecedented convenience to people's life. Many people have realized the transcendence of life with the help of the Internet platform.Among them are those who use the Internet to create careers that benefit the country and the people, and those who use the Internet to maximize their personal interests—Internet celebrities.With the help of the Internet, becoming famous overnight is no longer a dream. Today there is a XX brother, and tomorrow a XX sister. Various Internet celebrities emerge in endlessly, making people dizzy.With their role models, those ordinary people who also dream of being famous and getting rich start to move around and try their best.Therefore, crooked ways become a shortcut to success in life in their eyes, and all kinds of bad ideas and bad ideas come one after another.

As a result, many people's aesthetic views have been skewed, and even moral values ​​have also entered a crisis.Indeed, these buddies and sisters on the Internet have ushered in a good fortune by virtue of their huge click-through rate.But in the final analysis, their success is only a flash in the pan, an entertainment, just to make fun of a boring world and boring people.

Moreover, everyone knows that fame brings not only flowers, applause and money, but also burden and pressure.People who become famous by their own strength have to withstand the blows of wind, frost, snow and rain. Like these "epithalum" that only rely on eyeballs to attract people's attention, the moment they bloom, they are already doomed to wither immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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