Heart like dust, smile peacefully

Chapter 20 There is a kind of happiness called waiting

Chapter 20 There is a kind of happiness called waiting (2)
But after getting married, she started to be untidy, and what's more, she no longer understood and cared for him as before, and the two often quarreled over trivial matters.The nature of his work dictated that he often worked overtime, but every time she called her before overtime, she had to complain, and several times she went to his company for surprise inspections, which made him very embarrassed.What's more serious is that last time his parents came to visit them from their hometown and brought them some dried vegetables that his mother dried herself, but she thought those vegetables were too dirty and never cooked them once.After her parents left, she threw those dishes into the trash can.Ah Ren's parents wanted to have a grandson earlier, but as soon as they mentioned this idea to her, she flatly refused, saying that she would not want children for three years.Embarrassed and angry, the old couple originally planned to stay for a week but left after two days... Ah Ren counted her faults one by one.In the end, Ah Ren said that he didn't want to divorce her, but if she continued like this, it would be hard to say.Xiu'er knew her very well, and she knew that what Ah Ren said was not a lie, and she did not do very well in some things after she got married.Xiu'er first persuaded Ah Ren to be more tolerant of her, and she would also persuade her well so that she could realize her mistakes.

As soon as Xiu'er came home, "she" told Xiu'er: "You forgot your mobile phone at home, and I picked it up for you. Your husband asked me to tell you that he has arrived at his destination and just got off the plane. He also said that the refrigerator There are two bags of dumplings he made a few days ago in the freezer, so you can cook and eat when you don’t want to cook.” She said enviously, “You have been married for three years, and he is still so kind to you, hurry up Tell me, how did you do it?"

"Speaking of this, it's actually very simple, that is to continue to be his confidante after marriage." Xiu'er said with a smile.

"Huh? To be your husband's confidante?" She seemed a little confused about what Xiu'er meant.

"That's right, don't think of other women outside of marriage when you mention confidante. In fact, you have every reason, and you have more conditions and opportunities to become your husband's confidante." Xiu'er continued.

"This is a bit difficult, I can't do it." She shook her head and said. "Actually, it's really difficult to say that it's difficult, but it's actually very simple to say that it's simple. Let me tell you how I did it. My husband started his own business after graduating from university, and he's already on his way to start a business. After five years, he has experienced success and failure during this period, but whether it is success or failure, as his girlfriend, I have always been his supporter without complaint and regret. The most loyal listener and his best friend; After getting married, I became the most considerate and gentle wife, keeping the house warm and comfortable, so that he has no worries. And I never because of him Going home late, or complaining about frequent business trips, because I know that as a man, he works so hard outside to give me a more comfortable life. Also, you know, I have been in poor health, so we I have never had a child, but after several years of conditioning, my body has recovered, so we are ready to have a child. If I become pregnant, I may quit my job and stay at home to raise my baby. Of course, what I said is not It's not the whole of our life, but only a part of it. Maybe you think I give more, but it's not. Although I give, I get more. That's why our relationship has always been so good. Said After so much, can you understand what I mean?"

"I'm really ashamed. In the past, whenever I quarreled with Ren, all I could think of was that he changed his mind, he didn't love me anymore, and he never found the reason from himself. Now that I think about it, in fact, every time we have A quarrel was almost all because of me, except for temper tantrums and complaints, oh, compared to you, I am really a substandard wife." She seemed to realize her mistake.

"I'm so happy that you can think like this. In fact, the most important thing between husband and wife is to be able to understand and tolerate each other. Especially for men, they always shoulder more responsibilities for the family than us. The pressure is also greater than ours, so as wives, we should allow them to have a warm environment after returning home and let them relax their stress, so that they can recharge their energy and be more motivated at work. In doing so It will also be a very beneficial promotion for the relationship between husband and wife. When they are captured by our empathy a little bit, they will naturally love us more."

On the way home, she made up her mind to try it herself, learn from Xiu Er, and strive to become her husband's confidante.

As the saying goes, it is rare to have a confidant in life.A woman's youth and beauty will eventually pass with time, and the initial passion of marriage will be slowly swallowed by the plainness of reality. If a woman in marriage can become a man's confidante, then her love will not disappear with marriage , but will become stronger over time.

However, in real life, there are many women who have never been able to become the confidante of their husbands in their entire lives. Most of them do not know how to do it.In such a marriage, perhaps two people can spend their whole lives together, but more or less there will be some regrets left in it.Moreover, if a man meets a confidante outside of marriage during this process, then it is hard to say whether this marriage can be maintained to the end, even if it can be maintained barely, it will definitely cast a shadow over it.

Therefore, for women, if they want to prevent this kind of situation from happening, they must act first and become their husband's confidante before other women, so that other women will lose this opportunity.

So, what can a married woman do to become her husband's confidante?The following will teach you a few tricks.

The first trick is to understand him and pay attention to him.

Only after understanding can we understand and be tolerant. Therefore, understanding is an important basis for couples to get along.You have to know your husband's work, thoughts, hobbies, pursuits, etc. at your fingertips. At the same time, you can learn more about his hobbies or pursuits, or read more books he likes. Knowing him will lay the foundation for you to really walk into his inner world.When you have common hobbies, there will be common topics, communication will become infinitely smooth, and the relationship will naturally get better and better.

The second trick is to appreciate him and praise him.For men, what they like to hear most is women's compliments to him, which can make them feel a strong sense of pride and satisfaction in life.Of course, complimenting your husband is not necessarily after he has achieved much success in his career. In daily life, you should also learn to seize the opportunity to praise him, for example, when he cooks a meal for you, when When he replaced the bad light bulb, when he repaired the toilet, the praise should be all the time, and should be detailed into every detail of life. Hearing such compliments, most men would be elated and start working Will work harder and be more considerate to you.

The third trick is to be considerate and caring about him.A gentle and considerate wife is always what men want most. The pressure at work will be reduced because of your consideration, and the distress in life will also be relieved by your consideration. Whether in life or at work, men Often you have to shoulder greater responsibilities and pressures than women, and your thoughtfulness and concern can alleviate these responsibilities and pressures to a large extent, so when you can be considerate and caring for him, he will naturally Return more love to you.

The fourth trick is to understand him and tolerate him.For men, family is not the whole of life. They often invest more in their career than in family. For this, as a wife, you must have a clear understanding and give more understanding and tolerance.So, don't always complain because he works overtime, and don't be sad because he doesn't have more time to accompany you. Give him more understanding and tolerance, and he will love you more.

If you can become your husband's confidante, then you are a successful wife, and what you can get will be a man who loves you and a happy family.

3. Foolishly happy, or soberly miserable

Sometimes it's nice to be silent, to pretend you don't know anything.Like a mirror in his heart, he knew that talking too much would lead to loss, but he also knew that he couldn't express this disgust, let alone show it in his expression, so he used silence to prevent problems before they happened.It is better to be silent than to talk too much.Think too much and I'll be sad!
Men like beautiful women, and women also like handsome guys. There is nothing wrong with it. Everyone has the love of beauty.At this point, men are naturally more obvious. At the beginning of love, men are mostly moved by a woman's beauty.However, in addition to beauty, the powerful power that women can continue to attract men is attractive temperament and personality, and the most attractive personality trait of a woman is tolerance, because sometimes tolerance not only means forgiveness, but also Represents understanding, compassion, kindness and trust.

Everyone will inevitably make mistakes, and blindly blaming them will not only not make the person who made the mistake repent, but will make them feel resistant, thus adding to the mistake.If you can be tolerant at this time, then most of them will reflect on their mistakes, reform themselves, and respect those who can tolerate them.In married life, a woman should be a tolerant person, and don't worry about some of the faults of men. If it is not a matter of principle, she can turn a blind eye to it, even if sometimes a man's fault touches some The moral bottom line, don't deny it all easily, but weigh the pros and cons, and take a long-term view. If he realizes his fault and the prodigal son turns back, then he might as well tolerate him with a tolerant heart.If you don't give him a chance at all, you are likely to lose your own chance too.

She and Liang Jian have been married for more than a year, and their relationship has always been very good, but one day they suddenly quarreled.

It turned out that the day before, when she was about to get off work, Liang Jian called her and said that she would go out for a drink with colleagues Xiao Huang and Xiao Meng in the evening and could not go back for dinner.Liang Jian usually likes to drink a few cups, but he never drinks too much, and he never returns home late when he goes out to drink with friends and colleagues. He will go home before ten o'clock at the latest.But that night, it was past ten o'clock, and Liang Jian hadn't come back yet.She called his cell phone and it turned off.At first, she was a little angry, but she thought again, tomorrow is Saturday, and Liang Jian doesn't go to work, so she might have drunk a few drinks, so she didn't care too much.But after another hour, Liang Jian still didn't come back. She couldn't sit still anymore. She called his cell phone again, but it was still turned off.So she called Xiao Huang, but Xiao Huang said that when they were drinking until about nine o'clock in the evening, Liang Jian answered a phone call and left first.She had a question in her heart, whose call did he answer, and why didn't he come back so late?Be sure to ask him when he comes back.In this way, she continued to wait in anxiety.Finally, it was not until 12:30 in the middle of the night that Liang Jian came back unsteadily.

She wanted to ask what happened, but Liang Jian fell asleep on the bed as soon as he got home, so she decided to talk about it the next morning.Liang Jian didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning the next day. When he woke up, he found that she was unhappy. He hurriedly explained, "Xiao Huang had a fight with his wife yesterday, and Xiao Meng and I kept trying to persuade her, so I don't know I felt like I drank a few more glasses." It was good that Liang Jian didn't explain, but she became even angrier when he explained, because it was obvious that he was lying, and he didn't want her to know where he went yesterday, which showed that he had something on his mind.So, she lost her temper and began to ask questions.Liang Jian refused to admit that he left early yesterday, and also said that Xiao Huang drank too much and remembered wrongly.Of course she didn't believe it, and was going to call Xiao Huang again to find out, but Liang Jian stopped her from calling and asked her to save himself some face.She insisted on asking him to make it clear. Liang Jian knew he was wrong and didn't want to quarrel with her, so he put on his clothes and left the house.

Because he left in a hurry, Liang Jian forgot to take his mobile phone.Just a few minutes after he left the house, his cell phone rang.She picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, so she pressed the answer button, only to hear a woman's voice from inside: "I drank too much yesterday, how are you doing now, is your stomach still uncomfortable?" When she heard this, she immediately became furious, because she was very familiar with this woman's voice. Her name was Xiao Lian, and she was Liang Jian's first love.

When she and Liang Jian were dating, Xiao Lian had come to Liang Jian again and again, wanting to reconcile with him, and she had quarreled with Liang Jian many times because of this matter.Although Liang Jian repeatedly emphasized that he and Xiao Lian were just ordinary friends, and he no longer had any feelings for her, she still had a bitter heart.In this way, under her intervention, Liang Jian and Xiao Lian really stopped contacting each other. Later, they got married.After more than a year of marriage, she never found out that Liang Jian had any contact with Xiao Lian, so she gradually forgot about it.Unexpectedly, there is still a connection between them.She suppressed her anger and said, "Please don't call Liang Jian again." Then she hung up the phone.Then she began to look through Liang Jian's phone call and text message records, and found that they had been in contact with each other. Xiao Lian would call Liang Jian almost every few days, and would often send Liang Jian some more ambiguous messages. SMS.However, in the call records, she did not find that Liang Jian had called Xiao Lian on his own initiative, and in the text message records, Liang Jian did not reply any ambiguous text messages to Xiao Lian.But she was still very angry and threw the phone on the floor at once.At this moment, Liang Jian, who forgot to take his mobile phone, came back. She picked up the mobile phone on the ground and threw it at him.Knowing that she had discovered the secret in the phone, Liang Jian hurriedly explained to her that he did meet Xiao Lian yesterday, but they just had a brief chat and drank some wine together, and did not do anything out of the ordinary matter.Liang Jian also said that he did not take the initiative to contact Xiao Lian. Every time, she found various reasons to contact him. Sometimes she said that she was sick, and sometimes she said that she was in trouble. After all, they had loved each other before. Difficulty, ask him for help, he is too embarrassed to refuse.In addition, he also said that he did not do anything to feel sorry for her, and that it was a bit too much for her to be so persistent.She didn't think so. From her point of view, even if he didn't take the initiative, but passively accepted the invitation of his ex-girlfriend and met behind her back, it was a kind of betrayal.

In fact, Liang Jian did not lie.But Liang Jian did not deny that although he knew it was wrong to do so, he was still unable to make up his mind to completely break up with his ex-girlfriend who was still interested in him. It is also a good thing to have a confidante, which can adjust your life.Seeing that Liang Jian not only refused to admit her mistake, but also spoke plausibly, she became even angrier, so she packed up her clothes and went back to her mother's house. Liang Jian was also angry, so she let her go.

The next day was Sunday, Liang Jian went to her house early in the morning, and began to apologize to her, saying that he had done something wrong, and swore that he would never contact Xiao Lian again, but she thought he didn't really realize Realizing his mistake, he was just perfunctory to her, so he refused to go home with him.Liang Jian felt very ashamed, and went back by himself disgruntled.

(End of this chapter)

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