Heart like dust, smile peacefully

Chapter 25 Be able to advance or retreat, leave a share of openness for others and yourself

Chapter 25 Be able to advance or retreat, leave an open-mindedness for others and yourself (3)
Mingdao walked out of the house and came to the intersection, he didn't immediately take a taxi and leave, but stood there in a daze.At this time, a gust of wind blew over, and Ming Dao couldn't help feeling a little bit: "Oh, it seems that she still loves me..." After standing for a while, Ming Dao turned and walked towards home.

Some people may say that she is too stupid and useless in the story, why should she be so tolerant to a heartless man?In fact, sometimes, only by pretending to be stupid can we get back the stability of life. She played stupid at the right time, which not only left a certain amount of space and room for thinking for herself but also for her husband Mingdao.We dare not conclude that Ming Dao will definitely turn his prodigal son back from now on, but at least the situation will not develop in a more serious direction, but has a certain turning point.

Since ancient times, beauties often suffer bad lives, why do beauties always die?Most of the time it is because they are too smart and can see through people's thoughts at a glance, who would dare to marry them home?Moreover, a woman who is too smart always likes to make decisions for the person she loves, which invisibly hurts the other person's self-esteem. If things go on like this, love will naturally be difficult to maintain.So, sometimes being a little confused is not a kind of happiness.

We have seen in life that different ways of being a human being and different attitudes have created different women and given them different life experiences.

There is such a story: the Chinese branch of a foreign-funded company decided to hold a banquet. In addition to the general manager and some middle-level executives of the company at the beginning, some high-level executives from the US head office will also be present. Customers, so this banquet can be described as grand in scale.

As the manager of the public relations department of the Chinese branch, she naturally became the main person preparing for this banquet.She has been in this foreign-funded company for five years, and her ability has always been outstanding, and she is also highly appreciated by the company's senior leaders.She has a tough work style and considers herself a strong woman in the industry.This kind of personality makes her have a strong desire to express herself, and she always wants to take advantage of the scenery.When the general manager of the branch company entrusted her with the task of preparing the banquet, she secretly made up her mind that she must perform well and try to show her face in front of the senior management of the head office.

With the joint efforts of her and all the public relations staff, this grand banquet was held on time.On the night of the banquet, she dealt with the guests and got the best of both worlds, which really kept the atmosphere very good.When it was time for the company's senior executives to speak in turn, she introduced the senior executives of the head office to everyone one by one, and then arranged for them to speak separately.When it was her turn to speak, the general manager of the branch, she gave a speech of thanks before introducing him, thanking the customers present for their support.Although there were only a few short sentences, it made the supervisor of the head office frown, because her duty at that time was only to introduce the boss to the stage, not to speak independently.

During the banquet that followed, a senior executive from the head office had a brief conversation with her.During the conversation, the executive found that when she mentioned the company's affairs, she always expressed her personal opinions and did not mention the opinions of the general manager of the branch at all.Her approach seems to show that she is the "top leader" of the branch.

Shortly after the banquet, the top executives of the head office began a meeting to study her transgression.The top management believed that her overreach had affected the work of the subsidiary, and finally decided to demote her from the manager of the public relations department to the business assistant.

In the end, she chose to resign voluntarily, thinking that she must have been framed for being demoted.From the beginning to the end, she didn't know that it was her being too revealing and obtrusive that hurt herself.

"She" can't be said to be unintelligent, let alone incompetent, but she was demoted.The mystery in it was something that her self-righteous intelligence could not comprehend.They don't know that enough is enough and moderation is the principle of conduct.Therefore, no matter in life or in the workplace, women should not be too shrewd, otherwise they may be misunderstood by their cleverness.Sometimes, being humble and not contending, the seemingly "stupid" behavior will actually make people have greater gains and live a more relaxed life.

5. The world has not changed, but we are changing

No matter how deep the relationship is, no matter how strong the friendship is, the friends are far away from each other, and the friendship will eventually fade away.It doesn't mean that each other's hearts have changed, nor does it mean that they no longer treat each other as friends, it's just that, far away in the world, joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys cannot be shared.It turns out that we are so far away that only greetings are left, and greetings are still good, at least we have never forgotten each other.

There is a song that says: "Meet new friends, never forget old friends, how many new friends become old friends; the sky is high and the land is thick, the mountains are high and the rivers are long and flowing. May we have good friends everywhere..." Yes, believe it Everyone hopes to keep meeting new friends as sung in this song, and then turn these new friends into old friends and become an asset in their interpersonal circle.

However, some people may say that it is becoming more and more difficult to make close friends these days.In fact, making friends is difficult and difficult, but easy and easy.Whether it is a new friend or an old friend, if we want to keep this friendship for a long time, we must understand the most basic one in interpersonal communication, that is, constant contact.Someone once described the relationship between friends in this way-"Relationship is like a knife, if it is not sharpened for a long time, it will rust."It means that friends should move around frequently, and friends should help appropriately when they are in trouble, and they can also ask friends for help when they are in trouble.If you have not contacted for a long time, and only think of asking others for help when the matter is critical, not only will you feel embarrassed to speak up, but even if you do, your friends may reject you because you have little contact with him.Therefore, in interpersonal communication, don't do things that "sharp your guns in front of the battle".

Maybe you also have the same experience: when you encounter some kind of difficulty and want to find a friend to help you solve it, you suddenly remember that there were many times in the past when you should have gone to see him, but you didn’t.Now I go to someone if I need something, but I always feel uneasy, and I always ask myself: Is it too abrupt?Will it be rejected?Under such circumstances, you will inevitably regret that you should not "normally burn incense".In general, women are more likely to err on the side of things like this.

Annie and Meihui used to be classmates in a university in Shanghai. Annie is from Wuhan and Meihui is from Changsha. They live in the same dormitory and have a very good relationship, just like sisters.After graduation, Annie decided to return to her hometown of Wuhan to develop, but Meihui stayed in Shanghai.In the beginning, the two of them kept in touch, and they would call several times a week. After that, the contact between them gradually decreased, and Anne only occasionally called Meihui to say hello.

Later, due to the increasingly busy work, sometimes Annie couldn't remember to call Meihui for several months.And when Mei Hui called her, she was always unable to answer because she was too busy with work.Later, Anne got married and soon became a mother. In order to take care of her children, she quit her job and became a full-time mother at home.Because taking care of children was harder than going to work, and it was even harder to spare time, so, gradually, the contact between Annie and Meihui was almost completely severed.

Once, a classmate who came back from Shanghai brought news of Meihui to Annie and told her her new contact information and address.At the same time, this classmate also told Annie that Meihui hoped that she could call him.Although it's been a long time since we lost contact, Annie still doesn't want to lose this friendship in her heart.However, she was busy taking care of the children, but she forgot about it in a blink of an eye.When she thought about it later, she felt that the best time to contact Mei Hui had already passed, and she hadn't seen each other for so many years, and she didn't know what to say when she got in touch, so she simply didn't call Mei Hui.In this way, the contact between her and Meihui was completely severed, and the contact information of Meihui brought to her by her classmates was forgotten by her.

A year later, Anne suffered a major change in her life.Her husband owed 30 loan sharks from gambling. If the debt was not repaid within a week, their house and car would be taken away.Annie and her husband are both ordinary white-collar workers, and their lives are not well-off, so they can't afford so much money all at once.In a fit of anger, Annie wanted to divorce her husband, but her husband begged hard and promised that he would never gamble again, so Annie relented.

Next, the couple began to borrow money from here and there, and managed to scrape together 10 yuan, but what should they do if they were still short of 20 yuan?At this time, Annie suddenly thought of Meihui.In the past, she had heard her classmates accidentally talk about Meihui's situation, and she knew that Meihui and her husband jointly ran a clothing supermarket, and the business was pretty good.If you are your own boss, you must be rich, so Annie wants to borrow money from Meihui.But she was a little hesitant, because she had lost the contact information of Meihui given to her by her classmate, and she hadn't contacted her for such a long time, if she rashly borrowed such a large sum of money, Meihui would probably refuse .So, she hesitated very much, not knowing what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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