Heart like dust, smile peacefully

Chapter 9 Thank you for those who left you

Chapter 9 Thank you for those who left you (1)
when time passes,
We forget that we once loved someone without hesitation,

Forgot his tenderness, forgot everything he did for me.

I have no feelings for him anymore, I don't love him anymore.

Why is this happening?

It turned out that our love was lost to the years.

First love makes you lose track of time,
Then it's time to make you forget about love.

——Zhang Xiaoxian
1. Your departure is my fulfillment
According to a website, there are 2000 million boys in the world who may become a girl's boyfriend, and what a girl has to do is to find the one who can really fall in love with her among them.

In our lives, we will always have to face parting again and again: parting with our parents when we go out to study, parting with classmates and teachers after transferring to another school, parting with friends after growing up to pursue our dreams, parting with those we once loved after falling in love After we become parents, we will repeat the parting with our children that we have experienced with our parents... Among all the partings, the parting with love may be the most unforgettable for women.

In the face of parting from love, most women can't calm down, and sometimes they even plead with men.However, most of the time the men will leave without a trace, and even if there are a few who stay, most of them are really not there.Love is not begging, love begging is worthless.So, when the man who once said he would love you for the rest of his life decides to leave you, don't keep him, let alone beg, it's your best choice to turn around and walk away.Because although you lost your love, you kept your dignity.Although there is pain, it can make you grow.More importantly, since you left, it means that this is not your happiness, and the happiness that really belongs to you may be waiting for you not far away.

A few years ago, she and Meng Yang entered Company M successively. She worked as an assistant in the administrative department, and Meng Yang worked in the sales department.After entering the company for a week, I was catching up with the company's monthly staff dinner.On that day, according to the company's practice, as a new employee of the administration department, she toasted a glass of wine to the managers of other departments of the company on behalf of the entire administration department.She drinks very little, and three glasses of beer is already the upper limit, but she drank seven glasses that day.

That night, Meng Yang from the sales department sent her home because his family lived near her house.Since then, they have become acquainted, and occasionally go out to eat and watch movies together after get off work.Later, they became lovers.However, the company has a rule that employees cannot fall in love with each other. Therefore, in order not to affect their work, they did not disclose their relationship in the company.

A few years have passed in a blink of an eye, and she and Meng Yang have achieved good results in their respective departments, and their relationship has continued.However, the initial enthusiasm has gradually faded.However, she is not worried, because she yearns for a long-lasting relationship than the passion of a passionate relationship. She feels that the relationship between her and Meng Yang is exactly the kind of relationship she wants.

In the past few years, the scale of the company has gradually expanded, and the sales department has been split into three branches. Meng Yang was promoted to the manager of the second department a year ago, and she also became the director of the administration department half a year ago.This year, with only three months left before the end of the year, the company's sales director resigned suddenly. It is said that he was poached by a foreign company.After discussion, the company's top management decided to select one of the three sales managers to take over as the sales director. The sales performance in the last quarter will be one of the important criteria for measurement.Meng Yang was very positive about this. He didn't want to miss this great opportunity, so he told her that he would be very busy in the next few months and might not have time to accompany her. Of course she understood and expressed her support.

After that, Meng Yang really became very busy, sometimes, she didn't see him for a week.Although she knew that he was doing it for work, she was still somewhat disappointed.More than a month later, a news spread from the company that Meng Yang and Hu Mei from the human resources department had become lovers, but it was not made public because of the company's regulations. Someone had privately seen them having meals together and watching movies together recently. .Of course she didn't believe it, but her colleagues said it vividly, so she inevitably became suspicious, so she asked Meng Yang for confirmation.Of course, Meng Yang denied it, and said that the other two managers of the sales department deliberately teased him behind his back, because this is the critical period for running for the sales director.She felt that it was impossible for Meng Yang to do such a thing, so she believed him.

It was the weekend, and she called Meng Yang in the morning, wanting him to accompany her to buy a birthday gift for her mother, but Meng Yang said that she would have dinner with the client at noon.She was a little upset, but she couldn't say anything.It was too boring to go alone, so she called her best friend Tao Zi. "When my boyfriend is with me, my best friend is just a decoration. I don't think of me until I have no one to accompany me. After two days of rest, I still want to sleep in." Although the boss was reluctant, Tao Zi couldn't help her persuasion, and agreed to her .

After shopping all morning, she chose a gift, and as a reward, she promised to treat Taozi to western food.They came to a western restaurant on the fifth floor of the shopping mall. As soon as they entered, she saw Meng Yang unexpectedly. What surprised her even more was that Hu Mei, the director of the company's human resources department, was with Meng Yang.I saw Meng Yang graciously cutting the steak for Hu Mei, while Hu Mei had a happy smile on her face, her heart seemed to be stabbed by something. "Isn't that Meng Yang? Who is that woman next to him?" Tao Zi also saw Meng Yang at this moment.She resisted the urge to walk over, turned and left.

When she came to the coffee shop downstairs, she took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Meng Yang: "Come home with me in the afternoon, it's my mother's birthday today." After a while, Meng Yang's text message came back: "Really! I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't go today. These customers haven't had their best time yet, and I'm afraid I have to accompany them for a drink in the evening. Don't be angry, I will accompany you well after I have been busy for a while." "If I remember correctly, Hu Mei It should be the director of the company's human resources department, when did she become your client?" She didn't want to expose Meng Yang's lie, but she couldn't hold back, and after sending this text message, she turned off the phone and bid farewell to Taozi Then he went home alone.

She thought that Meng Yang would immediately run to her house to explain to her, but he didn't come, and her heart began to sink a little bit.The next day, she went to the general manager's office to submit a document for approval, and when she came out, she ran into Meng Yang.She saw a look of embarrassment flashing across Meng Yang's eyes, she didn't speak, neither did he.

At night, Meng Yang finally came to her.Although she already had a premonition, when Meng Yang said "Let's break up", she still couldn't hold back, and tears flowed down involuntarily.Meng Yang said that Hu Mei's social circle is very wide, and she introduced several big clients to him, and they became acquainted in this way.Because he didn't make his relationship with her public, Hu Mei thought he didn't have a girlfriend, so she started pursuing him, and they got together later.During the two days when Meng Yang didn't come to see her, she kept rehearsing various situations when she met him face to face: If he came to explain that it was a misunderstanding, what should she say?If he came to break up, what should she say?She prepared thousands of rhetoric to deal with him, she didn't want to break up, she couldn't bear to part with the relationship of these five years.However, when he really said "break up", she couldn't say a word, because she knew that entanglement and retention were useless, so she might as well be more chic and save herself some dignity.

Just like that, they broke up. It started quietly and ended peacefully. Meng Yang didn't say "I'm sorry" until the end. She didn't know if she didn't want to say it or couldn't say it.So much so that later when she occasionally thought of this relationship, she wondered if they had ever truly loved each other.

At the beginning of the second year, Meng Yang became the director of the sales department as she wished, but she resigned and left before the end of the year.She did this not because she wanted to escape, but because she wanted to give herself a reason to feel at ease.Later, she learned from a former colleague that Meng Yang and Hu Mei were engaged. Only then did everyone know that Hu Mei was the niece of the general manager.After the engagement, Meng Yang resigned and started his own company.Hearing these news, she felt nothing in her heart, because he had nothing to do with her.

Half a year later, she fell in love again. The other party was Qiming, her college classmate. They met again at a class reunion.After graduating from Qiming University, he started his own business and now runs an advertising company.Qiming told her that he actually liked her when he was in school, but he had no chance to confess his love to her. He didn't expect that when they reunited many years later, neither he nor she was married.After hearing this, she smiled, perhaps, this is her true fate.After another half a year, she and Qiming's wedding date was fixed, at the end of this year.

At this time, she met Meng Yang by chance.That day, she and Qiming made an appointment to see the furniture, and Qiming called to say that the company was in a hurry and would be late.So, she went shopping alone, and saw Meng Yang in a sofa shop. It seemed that he was also here to buy furniture.She greeted Meng Yang generously, but Meng Yang seemed a little embarrassed. After saying a few innocuous greetings, she said goodbye to him.As soon as she turned around, he grabbed her hand: "You, do you have time later? I want to buy you a cup of coffee, and I think I owe you something..." "Excuse me," she twitched He returned his hand, then pointed to a person who came over and said, "I have made an appointment with my boyfriend to look at the furniture together. We will get married next month. If you have time, I hope you can come to our wedding." Said After that, she walked up to Qiming, took his arm and left without even giving Meng Yang a chance to say "I'm sorry".

That night, Meng Yang received a text message on his cell phone: "Thank you for loving me, and thank you for leaving me."

In life, no one can be a constant victorious general in love. Occasionally a few failures does not mean that we are a complete loser. Therefore, there is no need to let yourself fall into endless pain for a certain failure, and don’t go Ask those who want to leave not to go.Because begging is useless, it will only make yourself more embarrassed, and the departure of that person means that he is not worthy of your love at all. He is not the person you are destined to be, but fortunately he is not.

When you understand this, you will understand a truth: Although many partings in the world cannot be controlled by us, we can decide how to face these partings by ourselves.Hold back the tears, turn around silently, and start on the road again, this is the right choice.When you clear up your mood again, you will definitely meet the next love. At that time, you will thank the person who left you, because it is his departure that made room for you to be happy.

2. Women, don't love so humblely

Love will not be complete after all, because a love from dust begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.When you were born you were crying alone and everyone else was laughing.So live your life so that when you die, all the people around you are crying and you are the only one laughing.

After getting acquainted with Hu Lancheng, Zhang Ailing gave him a photo of herself, and wrote this sentence on the back of the photo: "Meeting him, she became very low, low to the dust, but in her heart I like it, and flowers bloom from the dust." This sentence is like a prophecy, destined that the flowers that bloom in her eri cannot withstand the devastation of wind and rain, and she puts her love on the ground from the very beginning. Nature can never achieve equality if it is placed on an unbalanced balance.

Zhang Ailing loves so carefully and without reservation, but Hu Lancheng still leaves. "I thought about it, if I have to leave you, I won't commit suicide, and I won't be able to love others anymore, I will just wither away." Facing Hu Lancheng's departure, Zhang Ailing was still low in the dust, until the end she was still humble Comfort yourself: "I don't like you anymore. You don't like me anymore." In love, when a woman puts herself in a very low position, then a man will regard her even lower, and it is no wonder that a man Thinking about it this way, who would look up to a person who grovels and flatters himself?A woman who does this is tantamount to losing herself and her soul.

The flowers that bloom in the dust will eventually wither in the dust.

She has a very beautiful name.Three years ago, when she graduated from college, her parents arranged a job for her in the county town, but she said she wanted to venture into the outside world.The parents couldn't hold her back, so they had to let her go, but they agreed to only give her three years.Just like that, she packed her bags and boarded the train bound for a distant place.There was another person on the train with her, her lover.

It turned out that she followed him.He and she are classmates in school. She is beautiful and gentle, and is the object pursued by many boys. Only the rebellious he seems to dismiss her.In this way, he attracted her attention, she began to pursue him actively, and later, they became lovers.He promised her that although his family was poor, he would work hard to give her a bright future, and she firmly believed in it.So, when he asked her to go outside with him after graduation, she agreed without hesitation.

They came to the city and found temporary accommodation with a friend of his.Next, they began to look for jobs, but with low education and no work experience, they hit the wall everywhere. In the end, he could only work as a porter in a transportation company, while she could only work as a clerk in a typing agency.

A few months later, they rented a small house with the money they earned. Although life was very difficult, she felt that as long as the two of them worked together, life would be better sooner or later.Later, he gained the trust of his superiors through hard work and became the team leader.Later, his efforts won the boss's favor, and he was transferred from the transportation team to the office and became the boss's assistant.He made more and more money, and their life became better and better, and she felt very happy.

But gradually, she noticed that he had changed. He began to come back later and later, and every time he came back, he was very drunk.She didn't complain, and felt that the pressure of work was too great, so he went to drink in a bad mood.Later, his temper began to become more and more irritable, and he often picked on her for trivial matters, and once even beat her with his hands.She was very sad, but after he sobered up with a few words of persuasion, she laughed again through tears.Later, more than half of the three-year period agreed with her by her parents had passed, and she wanted a lifelong promise.However, he shirks on the grounds that he will work hard to make money to buy a house first.And she believed it, however, an incident happened afterwards, which made her seem to understand.

She was delighted to find out that she was pregnant, and couldn't wait to break the news to him.She thought she could give him a surprise, but he didn't expect his attitude to chill her heart.He didn't want the child on the grounds that they were too young and not yet married.She said that the marriage can be concluded now, but he disagreed, and then went back to the reasons mentioned before: no house, not enough money, can not give her a stable and happy life.He told her to kill the baby, she begged, but he wouldn't budge, threatening to break up with her if she didn't.In the end, she gave in.

After returning from the hospital, she was exhausted physically and mentally. He comforted her softly and promised to give her everything she wanted in the near future.Gradually, her heart returned to the previous temperature, because she felt that since she loved him, then the temporary sacrifice was a matter of course, and there would be a day when it would be rewarded.However, what happened next was far beyond her expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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