just passing by you

Chapter 7 You Can't See the Crack of Love

Chapter 7 You Can't See the Crack of Love (1)

Once on the road, I saw a young couple.At first, seeing that there was a certain distance between the two of them, the man was gesticulating something in mid-air with his hands domineeringly, and he was so arrogant as to order the woman to do as she did without asking, so she thought that the two of them might be related to each other, otherwise the woman wouldn't be there. So helpless and cowardly in front of men.But I inadvertently caught a glimpse of the tears in the woman's eyes and the tenderness trying to impress the man, and I knew that this was a man and a woman in love.

The man probably got up late and was in a hurry to go to work, while the woman sounded like she was going to take a work-related exam, but she couldn't collect some materials by herself, so she wanted the man to help collect them in the library of his unit .But the man looked impatient, saying that you can just go online and check it out yourself, but you still have to bother me about this crap!The woman tried to act like a baby, saying what if she couldn't find out?Then you can check it for me, okay?The man pointed to the nearby book building and yelled at the woman, what can't be found here?All you have to do is get in there!

The man scolded and scolded the woman loudly on the road of people coming and going, while carrying a black leather bag and hurried forward.The woman followed closely in high heels, asking him again and again aggrievedly, what if she really couldn't find out what to do, the exam was coming soon, if she couldn't pass this time, work would be troublesome.The man didn't turn his head back this time, and shouted into the air in front of him, don't be so annoying, just check it yourself!

The woman might want to ease the relationship, so she asked him from a distance of a few meters, I don't have a wallet and I want to eat, please give me some money.The man stood still this time, turned his head and pointed at the woman's nose and shouted angrily, "I didn't bring it either, you go back and get it yourself!"
The woman finally stopped expecting anything this time, and stared blankly at the man turning around indifferently, and then quickly mixed into the crowd.I don't know what the woman was thinking at that moment, but the loss and loneliness in her heart were clearly written on her face.

I don't expect this woman to see for herself the clear cracks in the love between her and the man. I think if the man is a little gentle after this quarrel, maybe the woman will forgive him immediately, but she What I still can't understand is that love is just a fragile piece of porcelain. Once there is a crack, the clear spring of love poured into it will always seep out along the crack, so there will always be a day when the sweet spring of love will be lost. , leaving only dry shells.

I also remembered a time when I was staying in a hotel. A man and a woman next door complained and quarreled with each other endlessly. It was probably because of the financial entanglement between the two of them. I don't know where the money was spent.I figured it was a couple on a trip, and out of nowhere a petty quarrel arose during the trip.

I don't want to analyze the right and wrong in their relationship. Any kind of love, what we outsiders can see is just the appearance.Just like feet and shoes, whether they fit or not has nothing to do with their appearance and price. Only the person who wears the shoes knows whether they have scratches or not.

But many times, the expression on the face of the person wearing the shoes reveals the pain caused by the friction between them during this journey.It's like I couldn't hear the quarrel between a man and a woman, but from the momentum of the man trying to suppress the woman's voice, and the violence of the man breaking the cup, I got a glimpse of the note that this emotion will not last long.

I remember that in the corridors in those days, people always poked their heads out, looking for the source of the quarrels and roars.The waiters of the hotel knocked on the door several times, telling them not to disturb others' rest, but to no avail.In the end, they simply ignored the waiter's knock on the door, and yelled at each other in the room like no one else.

Every couple of men and women in the world will probably have one kind of contradiction and one kind of estrangement.Under normal circumstances, love will not wither and wither because of this. If it is handled properly, it will become a drizzle during the journey, making each other's hearts feel cool and moist.

But most of the time, the men and women in love don't know how to restrain the small aggressive details of the quarrel. They blindly accuse, complain, chatter, roar, shout, be indifferent, ruthless, and even fight.They thought that after the storm, everything would return to normal, but they didn't see that when the weather was calm, the leaves and petals of emotions that had been destroyed on the ground would never return to the old branches.

They just raised their heads and moved forward. Before they parted ways, there were only passers-by walking in the garden, unintentionally, peeking at the irreparable cracks during this journey.

Love crossing.

When she met him, she didn't love him very much.At least love, in her heart, is not as plain and undisciplined as what he gave, like a bowl of overnight tea, the color is dull, and the taste is also a million times worse.Looking at it from a distance through the noise, she felt even more lonely.

So she was not interested in this love at all.It is also tiring for him as a person.Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, he is a good person, has a stable job, likes to write in his spare time, and has published several well-received articles in the evening paper; he is physically strong, standing by her side, At first glance, she looks like a bodyguard; she is very popular, but when she walks on the road, she will always wonder why so many people greet her; I heard that the leader also values ​​her, and once said that within two years, he will be the unit Besides, he loves her so much, it is the kind of love that is careful, lest she will disappear without a trace.I heard that before her, several girls in the unit offered to show their affections to him, but they chose her in the end.In their words, how could he fall in love with her, what a gloomy woman, her face is like moldy dried vegetables, is she born unable to smile!

Yes, she, who was loved by him with all his heart, was so joyless.I can't find the slightest fault in him, but because of this, I feel that his every move is wrong.She wanted to eat sweet cantaloupe, but he picked the biggest one and bought it back, but when he cut it open, he found it was raw. He wanted to change it, but she got angry and said what to change, and cut it up. I knew why I didn’t start with it. Just buy cooked ones?He felt aggrieved, and said that he changed it because you like to eat, and bought the big one because he was afraid that you would not be full.She was speechless immediately, but she was annoyed in her heart, thinking that he was such a troublesome person.Sometimes he was in a bad mood, and she wanted to coax him, but at the end of the day, it was him who persuaded her with nice words.She was going out to play, he drove to accompany her, there were children chasing and playing on the road, he turned left and right, and finally avoided it safely.He smiled and said that we were probably like them when we were children, greedy to play, and didn't care about our lives; but she said angrily, if I knew you were in my fear, I didn't want you to accompany me!

She also knew that most of the time, she was the one who made trouble for no reason, but she just couldn't help it, and she was about to lose her temper.In fact, she is usually a docile woman, even if others hurt her, she can forgive and restrain herself tolerantly.But in front of him, everything changed in a strange way.She once tried to love him, to be a gentle woman, to make him feel sweet, but she tried several times, but it was all in vain; in the end, she had to give up and let this love, like a derailed train, in his difficult and lonely Under the control of the master, he stumbled and ran towards the unknown.

She loved so carelessly, but he never complained, and loved her wholeheartedly as usual, the joy in his heart overflowed, which was the happiness that outsiders envied.But there was only one time, an exception, when he got angry at her.It was the third anniversary of their acquaintance, and he took her to visit the newly opened silver jewelry store. She didn't like silver jewelry very much, but all the women around her regarded it as beauty, and she was just vain in her heart.So after looking around, there were not a few favorites, so I was a little impatient.However, he happily recommended to her one by one what he thought was beautiful.Said you look at this one set with ice blue diamonds, how the luster matches your temperament; this lizard-shaped earrings are also good, if you wear them, they will definitely add a little more coquettish; The bright silver bracelet, the sound is so clear, it is like a clear spring hidden in the silent mountain forest.

(End of this chapter)

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