I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 851 Latin-style staple food

I finished!

He raised his head and showed a smile. There was a strong fighting spirit on that slightly aged face.

Because he also wanted to know how far his cooking was from Zhao Fuyu's.

Therefore, he will not give up the second place to present dishes to anyone!

There was a hint of determination in his eyes, which is why Seiichiro Yukihira suddenly speeded up at the last moment and completed it directly.

In fact, in addition to Seiichiro, Saiba Asahi and Shimura Jiro also wanted to try Cho Fuyu's staple dish, which left a rich aftertaste in their mouths.

But when they unconsciously speeded up the cooking process, they ignored that the food Seiichiro cooked was far simpler than them.

As we all know, Latin America is the main producing area of ​​corn, and potatoes are also spread from there.

It can be said that most of today's high-yielding grain varieties, except rice, originate from Latin America, which also makes the staple food there have a unique taste that impresses those who taste it.

However, after traveling around various countries, there was only one staple food from Latin America that really impressed Joichiro Yukihira.

A special type of cake that is similar to a corn tortilla cake and can be filled with various sauces.

Different from ordinary staple food, in many cases in Latin America, the staple food there is dishes, and their seasoning relies purely on various sauces.

What Seiichiro cooks is similar to that kind of cuisine, but he is much more refined.

Different from the soft, sticky tortilla cakes, the tortillas made by Seiichiro combine the fluffy and soft texture of the rice in the center.

But it is even thinner, as thin as a regular meat-wrapped flatbread. It is made by beating corn flour and fermenting it, then adding a small amount of potato starch, kneading it continuously, and then frying it one by one on an electric pan with thin oil. .

The corn tortillas produced in this way not only have a rich aroma but a thin and crisp shell, and are soft and puffy in the middle. They also have a texture like eating some Zhongzhou rice flour pastries.

Extremely soft and waxy.

Combining cooking techniques similar to staple foods in various regions, this corn tortilla itself does not require any seasoning. The sour and sweet taste of fermented corn is similar to that of sweet wine, which is already very attractive.

You can eat many tortillas effortlessly, not to mention that Seiichiro also has many sauces to match.

Five sauces originating from different countries also give this staple food, which was originally full of Latin flavor, a little more exotic.

Speaking of sauces, in fact, the ingredients in these sauces are also extremely rich. Otherwise, although it is a bit troublesome to just make a staple corn tortilla, it would not have taken Seiichiro so long to make it.

The key is to make sauces that are unique to each country.

In addition to the indispensable curry everywhere, the most prominent ones are the Mediterranean-style grilled prawns with olive oil and garlic, and Italian pesto sauce. The rest include Mexican chili sauce and Western American barbecue sauce.

It can be said that each sauce represents a flavor tendency. The exotic flavor spreads out the moment it is put on the corn tortillas, making everyone feel like they have entered a strange world.

Feel the different customs from all over the world from the tip of your tongue.

The exquisiteness of Seiichiro's cooking is evident.

If it were an ordinary dish, I would probably be easily overwhelmed by the rich taste brought by this staple dish.

Even Nakiri Senzaemon had to admit that the problem-solving ideas of Zhao Fuyu and Seiichiro were surprisingly similar.

They all mix staple food and dishes into one. It is both a dish and a member of the staple food.

The rich delicacy of the staple food and the equally delicious auxiliary ingredients burst out at the same time, bringing more changes to the cuisine.

It is a pity that such changes, although complex and rich, are not as intense and exciting as Zhao Fuyu's eel rice dish.

Even when comparing the taste of the staple food alone, the fermented tortillas have a sweet and sour taste similar to that of sweet wine, which is not as rich and mellow as the rice cooked by Zhao Fuyu mixed with rice grains.

As for the sauces, Seiichiro's various sauces should be much better than Zhao Fuyu's, but the characteristics of the eel shreds themselves are not inferior, and they are also very memorable.

So with the combination of the two, the taste of Zhao Fuyu is still so unforgettable.

Although Seiichiro's staple food is already excellent, it cannot completely dispel the taste imprint left by Zhao Fuyu, it can only compete with him.

For Seiichiro, this was already a failure.

After receiving the opinions from the judges, although Seiichiro's eyes were a little disappointed, he was not discouraged. Instead, he was even happier.

Because he knows that this imperial chef competition is never the end, but all the competitions here are just the beginning.

In the future, Zhao Fuyu and him will definitely have a real battle.

He'll need more preparation then!

After a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, Seiichiro Yukihira also shrank to the waiting position, quietly looking forward to the next duel.

After Yukihira Seiichiro took action, the next person to complete the cooking was not Saiba Chaoyang, but one of the other three dragon chefs. But maybe it was bad luck, or just bad luck.

Two extremely wonderful flavors are fighting in the lips and teeth, which also allows the judges' taste sensitivity to be further developed and awakened.

This made his cuisine appear to be full of flaws in the mouths of many chief judges.

Just a few words of judgment were already extremely spicy and exciting. While it embarrassed Chef Long, it also made him understand how many problems he still had in his cooking.

Especially being limited to his comfort zone has stalled his cooking skills.

After understanding this, the ugly look on Chef Long's face gradually faded away. Instead, he bowed sincerely and bowed, and then found a place to stay, ready to start using the various cooking techniques he had seen today. , go through it in your mind thoroughly.

This also gave him a new cooking life of his own.

Then please try my cooking.

Xingheiryu. Parent-child rice bowl!

Just when everyone was looking forward to the next chef's appearance, a boy who was also from the Caiha family and inherited the name of Yukihira came out.

Adhering to family cooking all the way to the end, Xinghei Soma's cuisine has always looked very ordinary, but it looks ordinary, but it does not mean that the taste is ordinary.

On the contrary, ordinary high-end restaurants cannot compare with this ordinary-looking parent-child rice bowl.

Especially the part that looks like an egg yolk has been mixed with many kinds of egg yolks, including not only eggs, crab roe, salted duck egg yolk, but also shrimp mixed in to release a rich flavor and texture.

As for the fried chicken nuggets, Soma Yukihira used his own brains to complete a platter that is almost like fried vegetables, fried meat and seafood.

Each piece is mixed with the flavors of other ingredients, and is simmered at the same time to create a soup, which is finally mixed with the rice.

Different from the direction of Zhao Fuyu and Chuangzhen's father, his staple food cuisine is more inclined to a more complete combination of cooking and staple food!

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