I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 898 Light richness and complex simplicity

Stir-fried sauce is an essential step in every cuisine.

Whether it is Sichuan cuisine, Northeastern cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, even Hunan cuisine, or even Western cuisine, this step is also essential.

Because only after frying, the flavors in many sauces will change, sublimate, and even appear.

This makes stir-fried sauce an indispensable cooking method in various cooking systems.

When Zhao Fuyu wanted to cook this sauce-roasted sea fish, it was naturally impossible to escape from this step. Even the first step was to stir-fry the sauce.

Of course his stir-fry sauce is different!

The first thing he controlled was two pots, heating oil, ginger slices, and the roots of garlic leaves while they were still hot. Then came the difference.

After frying on one side, turn to low heat directly, add a spoonful of soybean paste, and then start stirring constantly to let the soybean paste come into contact with the oil and fire. The rich bean paste aroma will soon come out. spread out.

However, the aroma of soy sauce was quickly suppressed by another smell.

It also belongs to the sauce-flavor category.

The aroma of soy sauce hotpot!

In another pot, add ginger slices, roots of garlic leaves, and all the chopped pickled cabbage. After the fire continues to stir-fry the aroma of various ingredients, add a large spoonful of soy sauce. Pour it over the edge of the pot.

The flame began to steam in an instant, and at the same time a large spoonful of water was put in. The flavor of the soy sauce sublimated in the flame, and when it was about to burn, it was suppressed by the temperature of the water.

Only the strong smell of soybean pot was left, lingering in the nostrils and shaking everyone's spirits.

This wonderful taste is simply unforgettable.

The strong salty aroma, accompanied by the taste of spices, and a hint of pickled cabbage, suppressed even the soybean paste that was also being fried next to it.

It is difficult to show all your charm.

The soybean paste being cooked over low heat is constantly changing in the fat as time and temperature pass.

The aroma of the sauce continued to spread, like an appetizing smell that began to quietly appear in everyone's nostrils.

That strange aroma made everyone subconsciously think of rice.

Because it seems that only rice can perfectly match this aroma!

It can be said that when a dish is just cooked, it has already reached this level, which already shows its success.

The real key at this time is that after the soy sauce is boiled in the wok, water is added directly. When all the objects in the boiling wok begin to boil, the sea fish washed in hot water can be neatly placed directly into the rolling wok. Drain the soy sauce into the water.

The seasoning is also very simple. Use soy sauce to control the saltiness, and then add some pepper at the end.

However, the timing needs special control, and because it is a sauce-roasted type, if the sauce is missing, it will be difficult to release the deliciousness of the fish.

Naturally, soy sauce alone is not enough for seasoning, so in addition to extracting the aroma of soy sauce, the saltiness of soy sauce also needs to be controlled to a certain extent.

Simply relying on the saltiness of the sauce to adjust the taste of ingredients and dishes naturally requires more precise proportions.

Zhao Fuyu used a spoon to taste the taste of the soup in the pot, then closed the lid and put the fried soybean paste in without haste.

At this time, the taste of the soy sauce water has probably reached a low level of flavor. This saltiness is enough to allow part of the deliciousness of the fish to penetrate, so it must be continued to cook for a while.

Wait until the umami flavor of the fish meat is completely released into the juice, and then add the soybean paste. Only then can the soy sauce, the umami flavor of the fish meat, and the soybean paste be perfectly integrated.

This is also the effect Zhao Fuyu wants to achieve.

It’s not that the ingredients in soyaki sauce are all the flavor of the sauce, but that the taste of the ingredients and the taste of the sauce are in harmony.

There can be no priority, but each taste must be present in the mouth and have their own posture!

Cover the lid over medium heat and continue to stew the tender fish meat inside. You must know that because the meat of sea fish is relatively tender and smooth, you must also control the heat and the length of time while cooking.

After about two minutes, you can open the lid.

Pour the fried soybean paste on top, then turn the pot slightly, and simply use a large turning spoon to turn the sea fish over, keeping the fish body intact and allowing the other side to be more exposed to the temperature of the bottom of the pot.

Only in this way can the maturity of the fish be ensured to be complete and consistent.

By the way, it also allows the flavor of the soybean paste to penetrate more into the fish.

However, we must admit that the choice of fish is also very important. Different types of fish release the same delicious details but completely different delicacies at this time.

When fused, the delicious taste also presents a complex and extremely pure sense.

Zhao Fuyu had already thought of this when making the combination. The penetration of soybean paste will also enhance the umami molecules in the fish.

The combination of minced sauerkraut and the slight sourness elevates the deliciousness to a new level!

Of course, the taste of the sauce is the most critical. Whether it is the saltiness of soy sauce or the saltiness of soybean paste, after the fusion of fish and meat broth, the change in level is only the first step.

What's more important is that after a long period of cooking, the unique flavor contained in the two is completely released.

After flipping the fish in the pot, cover it again over medium heat and cook for about three minutes. You can almost see that the soup in the pot has become thicker.

On the one hand, the addition of soybean paste adds starchy substances to the soup and thickens the soup.

In addition, the ingredients of marine fish are rich in colloids, and the colloids in the fish skin are also released into the soup after cooking.

The soup, which was originally a little bland, has now become the best partner for rice.

Of course, this alone is not enough. Add the red pepper and remaining garlic leaves and place them on the surface without stirring. While heating with the steaming water vapor, it also brings out some of the aroma of the two ingredients.

Turn up the heat a little, wait until the soup is quite thick, then turn off the heat, cover it, and simmer for thirty seconds.

Let the garlic leaves and chili segments mature completely, then you can take out the plate directly, transfer the cooked sea fish to the plate, and finally garnish with a layer of fried golden and fragrant shallots.

Such a simple yet mouth-watering aroma of 'roasted sea fish in sauce' has been completed!

That's when the golden shallots are sprinkled into it.

The rich aroma almost condensed into substance, and a golden light shimmering with a faint glow shot into the sky.

Impressively, countless celestial beings and fairies were brought out.

Even faintly, there was a strange but amazing fairy music ringing in my ears.

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