In the century-old Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, investing in Destiny villain

In the century-old Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, investing in Destiny villain


215 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Xun crossed the fantasy world and became the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the East of the Holy Land. He obtained the investment system. You can see the luck, destiny, position, etc. of others.
Investment requirements: Only the D


Chu Xun crossed the fantasy world and became the elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in the East of the Holy Land. He obtained the investment system. You can see the luck, destiny, position, etc. of others.
Investment requirements: Only the Destiny villain.
This makes Chu Xun depressed. Why can I only invest in villains?
Apostle: Master, I will grab you a female emperor.
Second apprentice: Master wants to practice magic soldiers? It happened that my family had ancestors, and Master waited for me …
Little apprentice: I have a peerless medicine in my family. After seven thousand years, I went to pick it up for Master!
Chu Xun: Really fragrant! Elastic


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