Super God: I am the Emperor of Heaven! Rule the heavens!

Super God: I am the Emperor of Heaven! Rule the heavens!


175 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Yang traveled to the super-god world.

In this dangerous world, without super sequences and super engines, we can only live in panic.

However, Chu Yang was recognized by the Supreme Heavenly Dao and obtained the Heavenly Dao Em


Chu Yang traveled to the super-god world.

In this dangerous world, without super sequences and super engines, we can only live in panic.

However, Chu Yang was recognized by the Supreme Heavenly Dao and obtained the Heavenly Dao Emperor Armor System.

The engine of the Emperor of Heaven starts!

Indefinable, incomprehensible, incalculable!

10% role play, unlock the power of the five elements! The power of light!

At 20% role play level, the Emperor Armor form is unlocked! Unlock the power of control!

Seal the magic box! Light battle dragon! The Five Saints must kill! The Emperor's Evil Demon Annihilation Slash!

The ultimate emperor's armor! The Emperor of Chaos Heaven!

Isn’t it the king’s land in the whole world? On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers!

As far as the eye can see! Wherever the mind leads!

It’s all my world!

This world, be prepared to welcome your Supreme Emperor! !


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